Priests For Life Canada

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Palm Sunday (March 24, 2024)

Is 50.4-7; Phil 2.6-11; Mk 14.1-15.47

  • With today’s remembrance of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, we begin Holy Week.

  • As we meditate on the passion of Christ, let us not forget that there is no greater love than that a man should lay down his life for his friends. Our Lord is telling us that He is our friend and that He wants to be our friend; proof of this is His willingness to undergo multiple atrocities for our good.

  • Let us be impelled by Christ’s example to consider ways in which we too can sacrifice – whether financially, spiritually, or with our time – for the “Culture of Life” and the prolife cause in Canada.

  • Let us also show love to those who suffer greatly. Christ’s example shows us that suffering and death need not be meaningless experiences, but moments of grace. We must support those who suffer, since they are being called to have a special share in Christ’s own afflictions.

Pro-Life Intercession

That the crucifixion of Christ for all people may teach us that there is no such thing as a worthless life, or a person God does not love, we pray to the Lord ...