Priests For Life Canada

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3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (January 26, 2025)

Neh 8.2-4, 5-6, 8-10; 1 Cor 12.12-30; Lk 1.1-4; 4.14-21

  • In the Second Reading, St. Paul speaks to the communal dimension of Christianity, saying that we are all parts of Christ’s body, the Church, because through our relationship with Christ in baptism, we exist in relation to all other Christians, who are also members of his one body.

  • All of these different members play different and essential roles in the body. And one vital role that all Catholics – whether priests, religious brothers or sisters, consecrated single laypersons or the married faithful – must, in a way proper to their state of life, play in our modern society is to defend and promote the dignity of human life through all its natural stages.

  • If Catholics are going to build a culture of life, where the unborn are protected by law and welcomed in life, we not only need to rely on God’s grace, but also on each other. We need to pray together, share resources, strategize in the apostolate, and stand together in charity, communion, and courage as the Body of Christ.

Pro-Life Intercession

For all those who have had or participated in abortion, that they may trust in the Father of mercies, who always welcomes His repentant children, we pray to the Lord …