Priests For Life Canada

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14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (July 9, 2023)

Zech 9.9-10; Rom 8.9,11-13; Mt 11.25-30

  • Jesus acknowledges that some of the most profound truths are hidden from the cunning and self-assured and made known to the littlest of children. We see this today, for example, in the inquisitive and playful way a child rests on his mother’s womb to feel the baby kick within. That child knows the value of human life even within the womb, while some of the worlds best and brightest do not.

  • Jesus encourages all who are weary and heavily burdened to come to Him to find rest. Let us encourage those facing an unexpected pregnancy to find the strength necessary to choose life. Even those who are nearing the end of their lives and may feel burdened by illness, let us encourage them with Jesus’ own words.

  • God’s beloved people are referred to as ‘Daughter of Zion’, and Jesus more often than not speaks of His ‘Father’ in Heaven. Let us inculcate within ourselves and our families a sense of the great dignity of these titles - of the value of motherhood and fatherhood - as reflected in the use of these titles in Sacred Scripture.

Pro-Life Intercession

That the Holy Spirit may inspire those among us who are facing the difficult reality of an unplanned pregnancy to turn to Jesus to find their consolation. We pray to the Lord ...