Priests For Life Canada

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4th Sunday in Lent (March 19, 2023)

1 Sam 16.1b, 6-7, 10-13; Eph 5.8-14; Jn 9.1-41

  • St. Paul summons us to break away from the sinful world and live as children of light. In part, this entails shunning and exposing the “fruitless works of darkness,” such as treating others as means and not as proper ends in themselves.

  • We must learn to see others as God sees them. This involves being attentive, like Samuel, to God’s voice, which shows us the value that God has placed in each person.

  • Building a civilization of love and opening the eyes of the blind to the tremendous dignity of the human person requires living in “goodness, righteousness, and truth” instead of judging based on mere appearances, as Samuel did of Eliab and the Pharisees did of the Blind Man.

Pro-Life Intercession

That those who suffer illness, loneliness, discrimination, or depression, may know that they belong to Jesus Christ and may find peace in Him, we pray to the Lord...