Priests For Life Canada

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1st Sunday in Lent (February 26, 2023)

Gen 2.7-9,16-18, 25; 3.1-7; Rom 5.12-19; Mt 4.1-11

  • St. Bernard notices a pattern that arises in Genesis: “God asserts, woman doubts, Satan denies.” Today God, through His Church, continually urges us to choose life, not death. For many reasons, we, like Eve, find this difficult. As if to ease our troubles, Satan through the voice of the world tells us that we do not have to obey God.

  • Freedom can only be found by resisting our temptations and obediently following God. When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, women are called to resist the many voices that urge them to “make life easier.” Those many voices ignore the basic truth that life is more valuable than comfort. Fortunately, in the end, as at the end of Jesus’ temptations, these women can be sure that God will send His angels to strengthen them.

  • Even if we fail, God loves us and through the “gracious gift” and “one righteous act” of Jesus Christ, “acquittal and life” may come to all who repent – including those who have had abortions.

Pro-Life Intercession

That all may reject the temptation to “be like gods” who have mastery over human life, and instead may accept and reverence life as a supreme gift of the Creator, we pray to the Lord...