Priests For Life Canada

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33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (November 19, 2023)

Prov 31.10-13, 16-18, 20, 26, 28-31; 1 Thess 5.1-6; Mt 25.14-30

  • We have each been given gifts for which we will be called to account. The greatest of our gifts is our own vocation, and we are called to live this faithfully: priests are called to be diligent pastors to their parishioners; parents, loving and faithful guardians of their children. We may be afraid of failing in our duties; afraid of the responsibility our vocations require, but we cannot allow fear to prevent us from achieving fulfillment in our vocation. While in saying, “My God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus”, St. Paul primarily intends to convey God’s providence in relation to the Philippians’ spiritual needs, given the context of Paul’s thanksgiving for the Philippians’ monetary gift, it also connotes God’s care in practical matters too.

  • As Catholic we are also called to faithfully defend the most vulnerable from attack, whether they be children still in the womb or the elderly and infirm or the disabled and handicapped.

  • We children of the light do not know whether the day of the Lord will come before the Culture of Life has prevailed over the Culture of Death, but regardless, we believers should take consolation that innocent victims of those sins who have died in Christ will also rise with him.

Pro-Life Intercession

Mercy triumphs over judgment! May all children who have died by miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion be carried to the joys of heaven, we pray to the Lord ...