Priests For Life Canada

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27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 8, 2023)

Is 5.1-7; Phil 4.6-9; Mt 21.33-43

  • In the First Reading, the famous song of the vineyard is a parable in which the beloved is the Lord and His vineyard is the house of Israel. The people realize that rather than the Lord being negligent, it was their sinful ways which had caused the vineyard to yield a bad harvest. Now the house of Israel must face the consequences, which is the destruction of the vineyard by the Lord.

  • Why is it that many of the anti-life measures dealt with in our civil laws, such as contraception, abortion, IVF, embryonic stem cell research, and euthanasia, have been promoted and passed by Catholics?

  • The tending of the vineyard of the kingdom takes place now. Let us resolve to be faithful, to live what we profess to believe, and to embrace the Son. In doing so, we will inherit the kingdom.

Pro-Life Intercession

That God, who looks for justice rather than bloodshed, may strengthen all nations to protect human life, especially at its most vulnerable stages, we pray to the Lord ...