Priests For Life Canada

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4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (January 29, 2023)

Zeph 2.3; 3.12-13; 1 Cor 1.26- 31; Mt 5.1-12

  • The Lord, as the Psalm says, “secures justice for the oppressed”. How comforting these words are for us in the Pro-Life movement! Indeed, even in our mourning over a single abortion, and in our hunger and thirst for righteousness, Jesus assures us that we will be comforted and satisfied.

  • Let us pray that in our efforts to build up a Culture of Life, we never grow weary nor be discouraged in the face of insults or persecution, for Jesus Himself promises that our “reward will be great in heaven”.

Pro-Life Intercession

That everyone will recognize that all human life is a gift from God and is to be cherished from conception to natural death, we pray to the Lord...