Priests For Life Canada

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Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (June 19, 2022)

Gen 14.18-20; 1 Cor 11.23-26; Lk 9.11b-17

  • The Eucharist is a meal. The important thing about the consecration of the bread and wine is not merely that Jesus comes to be present on the altar; but that He is present as food. Jesus offers us His Body and Blood in the Eucharist as our spiritual food and drink.

  • The Eucharist, however is unlike other meals: it is a sacrificial meal. For Jesus, the pouring out of blood symbolized the offering of a life. Jesus laid down His life for us on Calvary, offering to His Father a perfect, unblemished sacrifice for the sins of all humanity in all ages, our own included.

  • Finally, this sacrificial meal is also a covenant, as we heard from the Second Reading. A covenant is a solemn pact, which unites those who enter into it. Whenever the Holy Sacrifice is celebrated, all the benefits of Jesus’ one, unrepeatable sacrifice become available to us. So much drama, so much wonder, so much spiritual treasure! Are we really aware of it when we come to Mass? Do we truly worship?

Pro-Life Intercession

That those who say, “This is my body” to justify taking life by abortion may learn to say, “This is my body, given for you,” as Christ did, we pray to the Lord...