Priests For Life Canada

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Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord (May 29, 2022)

Acts 1.1-11; Eph 1.17-23; Lk 24.46-53

  • Today, we celebrate Christ’s Ascension to heaven and in the opening prayer we ask that the Father “gladden us with holy joys and make us rejoice with devout thanksgiving, for the Ascension of Christ Your Son is our exaltation.”

  • Indeed, His Ascension is our glory because now there is a member of the human race elevated to the highest honour in heaven. His Ascension is our hope because we, as members of His Body, expect to be with our Lord and Brother, Jesus Christ who is in heaven.

  • It is especially important for us to remember the dignity and the hope to which we are called if we have committed a grave crime against life, such as assisting someone with euthanasia or abortion. Our Holy Father continues to remind us that God never tires of forgiving. Therefore, most especially on this day, we recall that Christ is seated at the right hand of God the Father, interceding for us. We are encouraged that heaven has been prepared for us poor sinners and that God wants all men to be saved.

  • Heaven is not an impossible dream, but something attainable if we cooperate with His grace.

Pro-Life Intercession

That through the Ascension, public servants and all people may have a deeper understanding of the dignity of each and every human person, we pray to the Lord...