Priests For Life Canada

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7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (February 13, 2022)

1 Sam 26.2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-25; 1Cor 15.45-50; Lk 6.27-38

  • In Jesus’ discourse to love our enemies, He implies that we are often quick to judge rather than to love. It is easy to see the people we dislike or oppose us as being unworthy of love, but we must remember that every human person has the same dignity and is worthy of the love of God simply because they are human; made in the image and likeness of God.

  • This is exemplified in the first reading where Abishai could have killed his enemy, Saul, in his sleep. Yet, Abishai abstains to be free from guilt. In the end, Saul repents of his evil ways and turns to the Lord.

  • In the same way, we must do good and no harm to our enemies. We must pray for all people who promote and perform even the most evil deeds, including abortion and euthanasia in hope that they might encounter the love of Jesus Christ. We should not mock or slander those who have wronged us, but offer forgiveness and mercy, as Jesus did to his persecutors and all sinners on the cross (see Luke 23:34).

Pro-Life Intercession

That all Christians may demonstrate their love to their enemies in hope of the conversion of all sinners to Jesus Christ, especially those who promote abortion and euthanasia, we pray to the Lord...