Priests For Life Canada

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26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 26, 2021)

Num 11.25-29; Jm 5.1-6; Mk 9.38-43, 45, 47-48

  • Joshua tells Moses about people prophesying outside the official circle of prophecy; John tells Jesus about someone exorcising demons outside the official circle of discipleship. In both cases, the disciples want the teacher to stop such unofficial actions. In both cases, the teacher replies that he is glad that someone is using the power, even if unofficially.

  • Sometimes, out of a desire for a purity of religion, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that good is being accomplished.

  • While the vast majority of pro-lifers are believers of some sort, there are indeed some who identify as atheists. We must welcome them into our ranks, not ignoring their erroneous views, but building up good wherever it is found.

Pro-Life Intercession

For greater justice in our world, that meets the basic needs of all and secures their rights, starting with the right to life itself, we pray to the Lord...