Priests For Life Canada

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19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (August 8, 2021)

1 Kings 19.4-8; Eph 4.30-5.2; Jn 6.41-51

  • Jesus is the bread that came down from heaven; He is the true life-giving bread. Believing this, we cannot proclaim the Gospel of Life without reference to Him. We are called to preach not only against abortion and euthanasia, but for eternal life.

  • There are many competing voices in our lives, especially when it comes to the areas of marriage, sexuality, bioethics, and life. With the media jumping on every trendy bandwagon (transgendered bathrooms, euthanasia, gay “marriage”, legalized marijuana), we should ask ourselves whether we listen to the Father or to another source of supposed guidance and truth?

  • Are we able (like Elijah) to see that, even in our limitations and emptiness, the Lord bids us ever closer? Do we allow God to lead us where He wills or are we always conforming God’s will to our own?

Pro-Life Intercession

That Jesus, the Bread of Life, may nourish our lives and transform our society from a Culture of Death into a Culture of Life that welcomes and reveres every person, we pray to the Lord...