Priests For Life Canada

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5th Sunday of Easter (May 2, 2021)

Acts 9.26-31; 1 Jn 3.18-24; Jn 15.1-8

  • While Saul’s transformation into Paul is remarkable, it is understandable that the Jerusalem community, who knew of his reputation, was nonetheless suspicious. Who would think that instead of persecuting Christians, the future Paul would become one?

  • Likewise, over the years, many people who were once vehemently pro-choice, such as former abortionist Bernard Nathanson, or former Planned Parenthood leader Abby Johnson, have crossed over to the Pro-Life side, only to be scorned by their former colleagues.

  • Yet, like St. Paul, they quickly proved their sincerity, speaking boldly about the gift of life and the grave evil of abortion, and despite the hostility they endured, like the Church in the book of Acts, they “had peace.”

  • This peace though is internal, the kind of peace of heart that prevails despite external circumstances, where the “comfort” of the Spirit is experienced.

Pro-Life Intercession

That our love may express itself in concrete actions of visiting the sick, feeding the hungry, and protecting the unborn, we pray to the Lord...