Priests For Life Canada

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The Resurrection of the Lord (April 4, 2021)

[Acts 10.34a, 37-43; Col 3.1-4 or 1 Cor 5.6b-8; Jn 20.1-18]

  • Easter is the most important celebration in the Church. It commemorates the final victory of Christ over sin and the devil. It signifies our liberation from sin and all that oppresses man. Above all, it means that Christ is alive now, and not just as a separated soul but as a man of flesh and bones.

  • Christian life is not just about following a set of rules or high ideals. Above all it is the following of a person, and that person is Christ, the Son of God made man. A Christian must be personally committed to Christ and he must have a relationship with Christ.

  • The resurrection of Christ is not just a desire or a product of our collective psyche. It is an objective historical fact that, at the same time, requires the virtue of faith to be accepted.

  • Christ’s resurrection is also a sign of hope for each victim of abortion or euthanasia. We pray with fervent hope that each of these victims will enjoy heavenly glory with Christ.

Pro-Life Intercession:

That in the light of Christ’s victory over death, nations may work together to overcome violence against all, especially the poor, the weak, the unborn, and the vulnerable, we pray to the Lord…