Priests For Life Canada

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4th Sunday of Easter (April 25, 2021)

Acts 4.7-12; 1 Jn 3.1-2; Jn 10.11-18

  • The liturgy today is centered on the Good Shepherd. The communion antiphon says, “The Good Shepherd is risen! He who laid down His life for His sheep, who died for His flock, He is risen, alleluia.”

  • Christ told Peter, “Feed my sheep.” That is why we can also consider the Pope, as well as other bishops of the Church, as our good shepherds. Like Christ, they are ready to give their lives for us.

  • Let us be impelled by Christ’s example to consider ways in which we too can sacrifice – whether financially, spiritually, or with our time – for the “Culture of Life” and the prolife cause in Canada.

  • The Holy Father has a very great burden on his shoulders. He carries it lovingly and with a great spirit of sacrifice. Through his example and writings, he stands in front of us, leading the way of life and love against a culture that is enamoured with individualism and choice. Let us pray daily for him and his intentions.

Pro-Life Intercession

That in the saving power of Jesus’ Name, the hungry may be satisfied, the stranger may be welcomed, and the unborn may be protected, we pray to the Lord...