Priests For Life Canada

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Solemnity of Christ the King (November 21, 2021)

Dan 7.13-14; Rev 1.5-8; Jn 18.33-37

  • On this great solemnity, we see clearly how the Lord Jesus – master of His own destiny – is the true King.

  • Even though Jesus’ kingship is ridiculed (they put a robe on Him, crown Him with thorns and mock Him as a “carnival king”), we nevertheless perceive his true Kingship, for when Pilate says “ecce homo,” “behold the man,” we can perceive the man par excellence, the New Adam (in whom a new creation is established) and the messianic Son of Man (First Reading) as one crushed by persecution but crowned with universal kingship.

  • Just like most of our political leaders, Pilate’s authority is weak and he is used as an instrument by the world and even by God. The Jews too are badly mistaken about kingship, preferring a robber, Barabbas, and an earthly king, Caesar, to their heavenly King, Jesus. Even today, how little things have changed! Let us pray that the Lord may reign in our hearts as King, so that we may build up a kingdom founded on justice; opposed to abortion, euthanasia, contraception, and every other sinful practice.

Pro-Life Intercession

That all nations may honour Christ the King as the only Lord and Giver of Life, and in His name, abolish the practice of abortion and euthanasia, we pray to the Lord...