Priests For Life Canada

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25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (September 20, 2020)

Is 55.6-9; Phil 1.20-24, 27; Mt 20.1-16

  • God is constantly calling men and women to be faithful to Him. Some are faithful from a young age, but many only come to believe late in life, after facing many trials. Euthanasia impedes this conversion; the end of life is perceived as a meaningless stage that need not be endured. Yet Jesus tells us that at all stages of life there is meaning, an invitation to enter into the glory of His kingdom.

  • Some of us may already be engaged in pro-life activities. We are called to reflect on our attitude. Do we mistakenly view our work in the way the labourers viewed theirs? Do we see salvation as something that can be earned? Let us remember that salvation is a free gift from God.

  • Whether we have been in the pro-life movement for many years or have only recently joined the cause, let us not grumble against those who rail against it, nor boast in our time fighting the good fight, but marvel at the gift of salvation won for us in Our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Pro-Life Intercession: That we may look upon the poor, the vulnerable, the stranger, and the unborn with the unconditional love and welcome portrayed by the Gospel, we pray to the Lord...