18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (August 2, 2020)
Is 55.1-3; Rom 8.35, 37-39; Mt 14.13-21
Today’s first reading calls to mind some of the hardships that a young woman might foresee when she is contemplating an abortion. We, as a Christian community, should be doing the best we can to create social networks that will enable us to say, “you that have no money, come, buy and eat!” Does such an organization exist in our community?
Know, and be convinced of the love of Christ for each of us, as described by St. Paul in the second reading. The pregnant woman needs to know this love - and she must see this on the faces of those in her parish community.
The best antidote to the culture of death is the bread of life. It is only in the Eucharist that we are fed and nourished, given strength to build a community of faith.
God invades death, suffering, and sin in Christ to illumine them and thereby offer us the possibility of divinization, even when we’ve wandered far from God. This is the ultimate pro-life message, because God wants to share His Triune life with us.
Pro-Life Intercession: For all who have had abortions, that St. Paul’s message that nothing can separate us from Christ’s love will give them strength to seek reconciliation in the Church, we pray to the Lord...