Priests For Life Canada

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4th Sunday of Easter (May 3, 2020)

Acts 2.14a, 36b-41; 1 Pet 2.20b-25; Jn 10.1-10

  • Jesus states clearly that He alone is the way to life. If we are to preach the Gospel of Life, we cannot fail to preach Jesus Himself, who is life itself. We cannot separate the rise of the culture of death from the loss of faith in Christ.

  • Peter’s example compels us to speak openly about Christ. Our words must also “cut to the heart.” Of course, we must always show compassion and mercy to those who are in sin, but we must speak the truth plainly.

  • Many who have had abortions, assisted in euthanasia, or indulged in masturbation or pornography, are likely to experience a sense of guilt and shame. Pope Francis reminds us that “shame is a true Christian virtue.” Their shame is an invitation to forgiveness. Let us encourage them with love.

    Pro-Life Intercession

    That as followers of Jesus, who came that all may have life,  we may actively oppose abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, and all assaults on human dignity, we pray to the Lord...