Priests For Life Canada

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2nd Sunday of Lent (March 8, 2020)

Gen 12.1-4; 2 Tim 1.8b-10; Mt 17.1-9

  • God called Abraham to leave his home country and to embark on a journey to an unknown land. But, Abraham did not leave alone; he carried with him God's blessing and protection. Families, or single mothers, who are followers of Christ, and who are unsure of the future can rely on this same blessing and protection.

  • St. Paul urges us to "bear [our] share of hardship for the Gospel." In working to promote a culture of life we can expect many obstacles and difficulties. Through all of these we too can count on God's blessing.

  • Jesus' Transfiguration helps strengthen the faith of the apostles. Jesus has just revealed that he will suffer and die, and so that they may not be discouraged, they are offered a glimpse of Christ's glory. God grants us the same favour. Whenever we feel like the Gospel of Life is falling on deaf ears, we can be certain that God will strengthen us to persevere in the work ahead.

Pro-Life Intercession

That Jesus, who “has robbed death of its power”, may grant us a Culture of Life, free from the evils of abortion, euthanasia, and all forms of violence and oppression, we pray to the Lord...