Priests For Life Canada

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28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 11, 2020)

Is 25.6-10a; Phil 4.12-14, 19-20; Mt 22.1-14

  • The majority of women who are abortion vulnerable are those who are struggling to make ends meet. They feel that they can barely take care of themselves, let alone a newborn child. St. Paul’s message offers hope to these women: “And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Every one of their needs will be satisfied: peace, health, finances. Certainly, God will not abandon His children, especially those who strive to do what is right.

  • For those who have been blessed with health and wealth, the message is also clear. We are called to be like the Philippians who supported Paul in his need, with their prayers and their financial support. We must be willing to support those in our society who, in choosing to do what is right, may face many difficulties. We must be especially willing to support those women who selflessly choose to have their babies in spite of the difficulties they may face.

  • Pro-Life Intercession: That we, the people of life, may always proclaim and defend human life as a gift from God, who destroys death forever in Christ, we pray to the Lord...