Priests For Life Canada

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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (August 25, 2019)

Is 66.18-21; Heb 12.5-7, 11-13; Lk 13.22-30

  • In today’s Gospel, Our Blessed Lord reminds us that many will seek entry to the Kingdom too late, and that each of us must strive now. We will only gain entry to the Kingdom if Jesus recognizes us as one of His own, one who does God’s will.

  • Therefore, casual eating and drinking with Jesus is not sufficient. The same can be said of simply believing the right things: being orthodox, being pro-life, etc. – we must also share in Jesus’ life, by putting our beliefs into action.

  • In the pro-life movement we must ask ourselves: Do we offer both spiritual and material help to single mothers, and those considering abortion? Do we show love and respect for the elderly, honouring them as God has commanded us? We must remember that we are fighting for people and not just for a cause.

  • Our boast therefore cannot be that we are simply acquainted with Jesus and His message, but that we truly serve others by living out our faith by grace in Jesus Christ, a grace that is fortified every time we participate in the Holy Eucharist.

Pro-Life Intercession

That those who find their pregnancy a trial too difficult to bear may experience new strength from God and from the assistance of all of us, we pray to the Lord…