Priests For Life Canada

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Epiphany of the Lord (January 5, 2020)

Is 60.1-6; Eph 3.2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2.1-12

  • On this great solemnity, the Magi, who represent the Gentiles or the non-Jewish peoples of the world, pay homage to the infant Jesus, the “King of the Jews.” Their response to Christ is sharply contrasted to that of King Herod who sought to kill Him. Both the Magi and King Herod acknowledged that Jesus is a King. Both recognized that Jesus' birth was going to change the status quo.

  • In a similar way, every child is conceived with an identity. Each child has a unique role and is destined by God for something great. We may not recognize immediately what that role is, but we must still respect it. Our attitude should be like the Magi, who welcome this new person, and who are not afraid of the future.

  • What is our reaction to the gift of new life? Are we threatened? Do we feel that a baby would inconvenience us or worse, rob us of our so-called freedom?

  • Let us pray that like the Magi, we too would be overjoyed at the announcement of new life, and that we approach both Mother and Child with the gift of reverence.

Pro-Life Intercession

That the Manifestation of the glory of Christ will enable all nations to also recognize the sanctity of each and every human life, we pray to the Lord…