Priests For Life Canada

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The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph (December 29, 2019)

Sir 3.2-6, 12-14; Col 3.12-21; Mt 2.13-15, 19-23

  • On this great feast, we see how united Joseph and Mary are during their flight into Egypt to escape the murderous Herod, who sought to “search” out and “destroy” the Christ-child.

  • Herod, then, represents all those who view human beings as cheap and expendable and not as persons made in God’s image and likeness. In his effort to preserve his throne, Herod would go on to slaughter the holy innocents, the first martyrs for Christ.

  • These children who are hailed as the first martyrs for Christ are often compared with the innocent victims of abortion. These victims, through the mercy of God, will also win the crown of victory.

Pro-Life Intercession

That the family may become ever more the sanctuary of life, where all are welcomed as a gift rather than a burden, we pray to the Lord...