Priests For Life Canada

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4th Sunday of Advent (December 22, 2019)

Is 7.10-14; Rm 1.1-7; Mt 1.18-24

  • Ahaz, the King of Judah, “wearied” God by ignoring the prophets, worshiping idols, giving himself over to a life of wickedness and even sacrificing his own son. He did not want to ask God for a sign because “he was afraid of being forced to relinquish his evil ways” (St. Jerome).

  • St. Joseph, to whom Our Lady was betrothed, was a righteous man of sterling moral character, committed to living the Law of God in humility. He treats Mary with the utmost charity and reverence by being docile to the angel and setting aside his fears that would lead him away from his vocation as the legal father of the Messiah.

  • Which kind of father and husband do you wish to be? Whom would you rather marry? Catholic men must protect both their wives and children, no matter the cost.

Pro-Life Intercession

That following St. Joseph’s example, all fathers may be strengthened in love for their wives and for their children, born and unborn, we pray to the Lord...