Priests For Life Canada

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2nd Sunday of Advent (December 8, 2019)

Is 11.1-10;Rm 15.4-9;Mt 3.1-12

  • Just as St. Paul exhorts the strong to serve the weak because Christ “did not please Himself”, we Catholics, with “one voice” should defend the weakest among us, including the pre-born, the elderly and the disabled. The doctrine of the resurrection of the body is a consoling truth of our faith, especially when we think of those “little ones” who have been killed so gruesomely.

  • Let us heed the warning of John the Baptist to not imitate the attitude of the Pharisees and priests who thought that being a descendant of Abraham according to the flesh was sufficient to ensure salvation.

  • Instead, let each of us heed the call to repentance and true sorrow for our sins. Let us turn to the Lord who is rich in mercy and bring forth the“good fruit” that “befits repentance”.

  • Citizenship in the kingdom of heaven requires a fundamental change of attitude and behavior. Ask yourself: Do you believe and put into practise the Church’s teachings related to matters of life?

Pro-Life Intercession

That our nation may heed the Gospel call to reform our lives by ending the practices of abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment, we pray to the Lord…