Priests For Life Canada

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Embracing the Unexpected

“Now at this time Caesar Augustus issued a decree for a census of the whole world to be taken…everyone went to his own town to be registered…so Joseph went out from the town of Nazareth in Galilee and travelled up to Judea.” Luke 2:1-4

In the many conjectures about the Christmas story, it is never brought up what a total disruption it must have been to Joseph and Mary, during all their stresses and pressures, to just have to get up and go to Bethlehem because of a totally unexpected edict from a faraway emperor. What turmoil this may have caused, we can only guess. After all, we can be ready for the expected; it is the unexpected that causes so much more stress, doesn’t it? Whether in Bethlehem or Canada in 2020, this has certainly been the case for us today. The completely unexpected COVID-19 crisis has changed so much for every one of us. This year at Priests For Life Canada, it has been the same as for all of you. Some of the things we were not able to do this year include physically visiting seminaries, connecting at the National March for Life, and an in-person spiritual retreat for the Ontario Knights of Columbus.

In the midst of this, we have continued to use all the resources at our disposal. As we all know, hospitals had major restrictions to prepare for the onslaught of COVID-19 patients, yet mercy killings and abortions still went on. It reminds me all too graphically of the concentration camp exterminations going on even as Germany was fighting the war on two and even three fronts. Doesn’t this speak dramatically to the real priorities of a Culture of Death? As such, we are working along with a coalition of other pro-life groups to speak to the impending expansion of mercy killing of the federal government with Bill C-7.

However, we have also been able to use technology, as I have mentioned in previous newsletters, to do outreach in new ways. In September, I was able to help lead an Ontario Knights of Columbus webinar concentrating on pro-life and the spiritual gifts for two groups on the same day across the province. Last week, I celebrated and preached at a 40 Days for Life Mass at St. James Parish in Toronto, that was broadcast along with Spanish commentary and explanation, to encourage this brave group of 40 Days witnesses. I would be glad to do this again for any group across this country using the gift of technology.

We are helping to support the new Seminarians for Life group at St. Augustine Seminary with their weekly witness on the streets of Toronto. Though we cannot physically be at the seminaries, Kelly Bondy, our operations manager, and extremely capable organizer, is helping to facilitate video visits with seminaries along with Fathers John Lemire and Matthew Kucharski.

By the time you receive this newsletter, two of the five English speaking seminaries will have had “video drop-ins”. We have revived The Pro-Life Radio Hour to interview and promote strong new pro-life voices and give a tangible expression to the type of collaboration we need in our pro-life movement. I have continued with bioethics consultation all throughout the year because, coronavirus or not, people are still facing practical decisions about life and death issues. The Vatican CDF has put out a major document on mercy-killing and euthanasia called Samaritanus bonus – the Good Samaritan. Along with the help of St. Augustine seminarians, I am doing a video series on this topic that we hope to have out by January 1, 2021, available through our website and other platforms which we have been trying to keep active and revive.

Newly ordained priests, who have had their ordinations staggered over recent months rather than in the spring as usual, have been contacted and given complimentary memberships in PFLC with the hope of having them join and support our cause.

As you can see, this has been a busy year – busy in a different way, but still filled. It has all only been possible because of your continued financial support. Whether paying the entire wages of our summer seminarian intern, Hilton Chiu, our operations manager, office and mailing costs, and all the other multitude of expenses, your financial generosity and prayerful support have been what has made it happen. Thank you for this.

I know that there are many demands upon your good will, especially now, but I would ask you to continue to financially support our work for the cause for life. Even though it was unexpected, St. Joseph rose to the need and travelled the road that no one expected. That road had its end – our end will always be the defence of the vulnerable, the expansion of truth, and the establishment of a Culture of Life, and with your help we will achieve it.

May you know all the blessing of the Christ Child in this season and throughout the year.